Life is a choice... Take not only the choices but also the risk...

Saturday, 12 February 2011


actually the title i took from a song by ingrid michaelson...
i'm not quite sure you know about it hehhehe...
damn!! it's a nice song...
just want to tell that everbody was really important whoever they are..
even though they are poor,sick or whatever..
they are really try to respect them...if can't then learn to respect them..

actually i dunno what feeling comes to me right now till i wrote about all this shit...
maybe i just want to tell something important..maybe not....

back to me!!
now sitting at the floor,writing some blog then finishing the miniature and all the damn task..
hahahha...feeling that i never get refreshing memory...wkwkwkw...
yet i love it....
14 february is coming near...oooh heck!!!I don't got any maybe i'll just past it trough and look it just as usual monday...
hahhahhaa....hoping to get some favourite  snack!!!hhahaha

for those who are your best for her...maybe try chocolate inside flowers....wkwkkw...
for those who's not...don't be sad..a lot of people will accompany u..hahaha..and believe..your time will come...
see ya peos..
nice night and dream...

Sunday, 6 February 2011

For my friends!! read this!!wkwk

Something good will not happen everytime. That's what I learned from this week after I went home to medan..
Actually this holidaywhich is only for one week even though most of it was because I skip the lesson..but yet I feel really happy in medan...
I can meet my grandma n grandpa..I also can meet my teacher..
My nice and crazy teacher..not forget my friend..who's lot crazier..and funnier...
And I meet the one I truly like(seems she was really mysterious so I can't tell you)...even though maybe between us is hopeless..yet I really happy to meet and talk to her...even maybe she really want to say gudbye to me..hahaa..or maybe some of my friends tell me to forget about her...yes,this is another lesson I've learnt from my friend...
Sorry too for the girls who have the one side like with me..sorry..I don't mean it..

And now I've returned to bandung to fight against the monster name architecture.. Sometimes I feel that I just want to quit it and take something else..
But I think it's the worst choice..because I have to do my best to fight it...even I got a bunch of task to be finish...and that's really kill my sense...

This makes me realise that what happen to us is not always something good...
If I could describe this then I could tell that a week in medan feels like a very really good dream for me...and when I wake up..I realised that I was in a shit situation..hahaha...but the memory I've made in medan will stay forever in my head...
Thanks guys and girls...
You really help to relieve my stress this week and happy chinese new year..

Hope u enjoy it...
Love isn't something we can achieve without any it true?
Y or N???
Next time I'll write about something happy..I won't lose to a girl with 'pret'!ahahah